An invitation to Creative Expression, Energetics of Voice, and Archetypal Wisdom
Inviting 8 women on a 3 month journey of reclaiming a deeper embodiment of Her Story and Her Unique Voice
Together we will Rediscover this body as a divine instrument and engage our creativity, learn tools for cultivating our inner archetypes and energy centers to be balanced and thriving, and be supported within a group of other women to stand clearly and confidently in our life’s work!
Over these 3 months we will be delving into the archetypes of the Warrior, Healer, Teacher, and Visionary - as well as the Maiden, Mother, Queen, and Crone, and see how these archetypes can be embodied deeper into our own energetic system through the voice and song!
-Warrior (Maiden)- speaking her Truth with courage, learning and practicing good boundaries, and reclaiming our energy through authentic communication
-Healer (Mother) - using voice and song to heal the self as well as support others, generating sound and song for uplifting energy and expansion of the heart
-Teacher (Queen) - getting clear on our current alive message, and gaining visibility with that particular message and heart’s unique song in the world
-Visionary (Crone) - receiving song, receiving subtlety
We’ll be weaving energetics, sound, prompts, and practices through this 12 week journey to deepen in our authentic, rooted power and heart’s unique mission.
Course layout
We’ll be meeting Live for 12 Sundays on Zoom for 75 minutes, exploring these feminine embodiment expressions together.
Each participant will receive 1 60 minute one-on-one session with me throughout the course
A WhatsApp thread will be alive during the duration of our course for connection, song inspiration, and encouragement
There will be an optional in-person retreat for any of the women who wish to gather in person in celebration!
Course begins Sunday June 19th meeting 2pm PST
$1,200 online course
(Option for a payment plan $400/month)
$2,000 online course + weekend retreat
(Option for a payment plan $666/month)
Once I receive your payment, you will receive info and a welcome email on the course!
All payments payable through the Friends and Family option of PayPal here!
Other Logistics
This course will be limited to 8 women to have intimacy amongst our circle
Register through PayPal to receive your welcome email and connection to the WhatsApp thread.