Welcome, Mama
Mama’s Song
a 7-week journey for women, mamas and mamas-to-be to open the voice, and bring song and creativity to life in this sacred journey of Mothering. Whether you are calling in your baby, growing a baby in your womb, a new mama, deep into any phase of your mothering journey, or simply desiring to connect more with the magic of your song and womb, I welcome you into this intimate council of Mama’s Song.
I believe our voices are calling us, and within that call there is a specific medicine that we carry, and we are here to share - with our hearts first and with our loved ones.
Beginning Monday October 28th at 6pm PST
Beloved Mama
Open your voice, Sing to your little one, Fill Your Cup in community
Inviting you to join me in an intimate circle of mamas and mamas-to-be to open to our song, - all women desiring to connect to the opening of the voice and womb connection are welcome!
We will engage in practices to open and explore the portal of the voice and its relationship to creativity, our unique medicine, our embodied wisdom, the magic of relationship, and a connectedness with life.
We will learn songs to sing to and with our little one, and hopefully catch our own! This is a space to build a relationship with your voice and learn that your voice is a source of joy, and nourishment - and this joy and nourishment is what we can share with our loved ones.
“A child reflects the purity and beauty of life, and it is our divine duty to reflect that back through our own overflowing joy and devotion to beauty ~the song is one potent way to continue to feed this beauty.”
Let your voice be one of your greatest allies on the path of motherhood.
Begins Monday October 28th!
6pm PST
Over these 7 weeks together…
We will meet up for 75 minutes weekly live sessions every Monday to sing! sit in council and enter into the portal of voice and the womb, and caress ourselves with the beauty of song in this incredible initiatory journey - That is meant to be experienced together.
We will build an altar for our voice and song, engage in embodiment practices to open and soften that are great for labor and also for simply opening the song channel, learn songs connected to the elements to sing to our baby and own heart - and listen for our own to come through.
This circle is one of deep support, shared inspiration, and witnessing held in a web of women awakening to song.
(All recordings sent out if you’re unable to attend a session live.)
We will discover how to nourish the core of our lives through our voices and connect to our unique song and the song of life.
How can we be Her mouthpiece?
We will also have a Whatsapp thread to share our inspirations as well as collaborate.
~ We will also have a beautiful song share on our final call ~
Cost of Mama’s Song $444
or 2 payments of $222
**Mama’s song will be a group of under 8 women to maintain intimacy, depth and magic**
Mama’s Song
has been a delightful circle of sweet support and encouragement during this potent time of motherhood.
Erica, California
My experience of Mama’s Song
was everything I was looking for during my phase of pregnancy! I received community support from other sweet souls who were also going through the journey of motherhood, calling motherhood into their lives, or were birthing a new version of themselves. With Annie’s beautiful and intuitive guidance, we shared in songs that brought us into our bodies, our own intuition, and in communication with our babies. This experience inevitably prepared me for birth as I gained confidence in my unique voice - I am forever grateful!
-Katerina, North Carolina
I found Mama’s song to be an incredibly loving, healing, and sacred space
Annie is a one of a kind, intuitive expert in cultivating creativity, heart opening, and connection through song. After a busy day, the Mama’s song group helped me melt, get into my body, become more present, connect with creative energy, and tune into my baby’s spirit and aliveness. It’s all very nourishing and I look forward to the next one. Thanks to the wonderful Annie and supportive women in the group who gave me the gift of creative community during my pregnancy that I will carry with me during birth.
Being a part of Mama’s song was very nourishing
It brought grace and grounding for me during an especially transitional, transformative time. Annie’s way of holding sacred space through her being serves as a warm nest for women to come together, to voice our hearts, ease our bodies, and nourish our souls in song.
Dhivya - CA
It is an incredibly powerful time to be a Mother on the planet right now - there is a power and a wisdom and a VOICE that is so necessary sung from the Mother - the source of life.
Awaken this precious part of you, and allow the sweet medicine of song and your own voice to gift your heart, your family ~ and beyond.
In our 7 week journey of Mama’s Song will dive into…
Creating the Altar to Birth our song
Song Channeling and Opening to Trust What We Hear
Singing Lullabyes
Vocal Toning for Wellbeing
Cleansing and Clearing Energy with Voice and Sound
Trusting Our Voice as a Medicine to Soothe
Shifting Relationship to Our Own Voice
Authentic Communication & Boundary Setting that Feels Good!
Singing For Joy
A safe space of being together, exactly as we are, supported by song
Floating down the milky river… a deeper call
In becoming a new mama, I am often overwhelmed by the intensity of the spectrum - of the radiant power that is motherhood to… complete exhaustion and disorientation. And everything in between.
I have found a new rootedness in motherhood, and also many moments of isolation and disconnection.
It is a lot to navigate and a lot to give - and often we forget that we are giving so much and need our cup to be filled by what nourishes the soul of the milky river.
Song is what continues to keep our family afloat.
The medicine of song and voice is something that continues to call us into more harmony as a family. Whether it’s singing to my son, singing to myself while my son is around, or singing with my husband - song has been and will be an integral part of our lives as we tend, mend, and ride the ups and the downs of this big journey.
Song and Harmony in the Milky River
This milky river is one of connecting to the innate power of being a Mama - as a generous, generative, and deeply resourced source! Just like our milk supply that seems to be endless - because it is! This magic that flows from within is our essence. And our voices connect us with that place - whether it’s in song, in words of love, or in clear boundary setting. The Milky River - the Mother in her wholeness - is what sustains life!
As a new mama, I am keenly aware of the need to actively sustain the practices that bring joy and aliveness and keep us connected to our wisdom in The Milky River. Many of the practices we will engage in will assist us in maintaining a sense of connection to our goodness and aliveness.
We will step more into our creative voice, embody singing in a more full way, and trust our voice as a medicine for both ourselves and our little ones.
We Begin Monday October 28th!
Mama’s Song
Annie’s Mama Song group has been a joyful part of my pregnancy, inviting me into deep connection with my body, my heart, my voice, and my baby. It has also been a delightful circle of sweet support and encouragement during this potent time. Annie is warm, playful, attuned, and generous with her offerings of powerful songs and a safe space to explore the embodied experience of pregnancy and birth, whether or not one is physically carrying a baby. Because of the low pressure, nurturing tone that Annie sets, this experience of singing with others has been far less scary and more enjoyable than I imagined it could be. I’m thrilled with the beautiful songs Annie taught us. I have sung them to myself regularly, and I’m excited to sing them to my baby. I highly recommend Annie and Mama Song!
Once I receive your registration, I will send out a welcome email with more details :)
(There are no refunds for this course!)
Sweet Mama,
I am so looking forward to being in this space with you - to the unfurling, the ripening, the blossoming, the being with the joy & challenge in solidarity.
In service to your voice,